Friday, September 4, 2009

Reading Challenge

As a conservative and “registered republican” if you will. .it seems that I am prone to receiving Barack-bashing emails and email forwards. Not all are bad, but they do in some way make fun of our president or bash him. Now I’m not judging anyone for this, I just simply don’t forward them back. No matter how many years of bad luck I will receive. It’s good for a laugh, whatev, I get it. However, it’s the more “serious” seeming ones that have begun to catch my attention. I’ve been receiving quite a few lately with quotes from Barack Obama’s books: “The Audacity of Hope” and “Dreams From My Father”. Some are quite disturbing and I can see why people are worried about the future of our country, with a man who thinks and writes like this. However, being the email forwards they are, I’ve decided to just read the books myself.

So. . with inspiration from the movie “Julie and Julia” [great movie], I’ve decided to start a blog. Not just a political blog, but a random blog. It may or may not have structure all the time, but it’s an outlet nonetheless. But for my first semi-structured feat, I plan to read through each of Obama’s books. I’ve set the goal to finish one book in 3 or less weeks. I know, this seems like a long time. But I am in no way a devout reader. Besides the Bible and the Twilight series, I don’t read anything unless it says “funny” or “hysterical”, etc. . somewhere on the cover!! So reading something I dug “boring from the lack of preferred adjectives on the cover” will be challenging I think. But I will blog along the way my findings and opinions. I’m pretty excited.

Step 1: Buy one of the books.

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