Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Fangtasia Football. .

Sunday was a rough day. Finally emerging from my room after 19 hours of mourning OU’s loss to BYU and fantasizing about nursing Sam Bradford back to health, I joined 2 of my roommates in the living room for casual conversation. [Oh and yes. .literally 19 hours. 9:30pm Saturday to about 5pm Sunday]

Anyway, after short deliberation, 2 of my roommates and I decided to start a fantasy football league. The league consists of 8 girls with NO fantasy football experience. However, we each do have “lifelines”. . This should be interesting!

I’m looking at this as a learning experience and also as a way to possibly get me more interested in teams that aren’t the Minnesota Vikings. If not, I’m banking on sporadic power hours to improve interest and productivity. Or worsen. . who knows.

Anyway, I foresee some good game watching nights with the roomies and league members along with some avid note taking. I’m hoping my note taking efficiency from years of movie and The Office quote jotting will play a significant role in MY success in this league. For I fully intend on dominating. AND I’ll be blogging along the way. .obviously.

Now. . .if only I can figure out how to change my team name from “Team 3” to “The Millennium Falcons” on the ESPN website thing. . Why “the millennium falcons” you ask? Well, there was a “Star Wars” marathon that took place this weekend. Thanks to my friend Chelsea, my dream of becoming “Amy Solo” [or Mrs. Han Solo] was rekindled.

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