Wednesday, September 16, 2009

the art formerly known as poetry. .

I wrote this back in July when I was "dealing" with things. I've never been into the whole poetry thing (which is what I am classifying this as) before, but given the events that were taking place at the time. . .seemed necessary. Also, I was partially proud of myself. haha. So, this is me being humble. ;)

Your words are like shards of glass
Dating back to ‘since the beginning’
Getting deeper and deeper
Making things worse
Never encouraging
Never uplifting
Actions of disappointment and failure
Let down…

Where has your faith gone?
Not in me alone, but in Christ

Your shards do nothing but damage
Making the Rock nothing but a rolling stone
Trying to climb
Trying to overcome
Only One will help

The Devil is crafty with his props
Though I’m easily tempted
I am not easily fooled
Yet, I easily fall

My hearing drowns out my listening
I want to live for one
But as the story goes
I live for the other

Both angels and demons befriend me
I keep them separate, but close
Leaving me stagnant
Seating is limited when there is only one Throne

“I’m doing better”
Conviction lingers in the shadows
It’s not as hard as it seems
Water to wine
Shards to sand

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