Thursday, October 8, 2009

the bicycle gang. .

This past Friday night I was planning on staying in, maybe do some cleaning. . whatev. The roommates were out of town and I had the place to myself. .so why not right? I locked myself in my room and watched HGTV. Sure, I had a few options on the “going out” end, but they all involved driving further than I was willing. Then my friend calls me and plans are made. Nothing big, just go chill at his place with another friend and then maybe walk on over to campus corner. So I get ready and roll up to their place, when I get another call from him. Turns out the plan had changed and I was to ready myself for a night of mischief and terror on two wheels. Bicycles!! This was perfect. I was totally dressed inappropriately for such things. Plus it was freezing outside, and the wind that is self-caused while riding a bike would only intensify that fact. (Note: wearing short shorts, tank top, short-sleeved sweater, flip flops)
Anyway, we drove to the other friends’ house where the bikes were stored, thus creating more distance between us and campus corner. Fabulous.

(story within a story) whilst at the other house, getting ready for the bicycle gang activities. .i was offered the rest of my friends white Russian. I looked in it and noticed it had a brown tint to it, so I asked what was in it then took a drink. “chocolate milk” chimed through my ears. I immediately handed off the drink and ran inside barely making it to the toilet. Threw up. Cleaned up. Walked out. Now. . I’m not in any way allergic to milk, it’s just that I can’t share. The result of sharing causes nausea and probably death in some unfortunate case.

(Continued). . .everyone was very concerned about my warmth on the trip. Also my ability to ride in flip flops. I put on a big neon colored hoodie. I felt good!! Hopped on my “cruiser” and practiced for a bit while everyone else finished up their pre-drink. (Cruiser description: blue, chrome fenders, over extended handle bars, and new rubbers. LOVE)

Then me and the bicycle gang took off! 7 of us. And it was cold, but exhilarating. Cruising down the dark streets of nompton. Completely quiet other than the cold air through the spokes and the sound of my dear friends’ banter. Total happy buzz! We arrive at campus corner and tie the bikes up and do our thing. Dance party. Dance. Dance. Dance. Dance. Dance party. Dance. Dance. People be hatin on my gang, I tell them what’s up. Dance. Dance.

Closing time. .the song.

Unleash the bikes! Only we can’t because one of my friends (with the key) walked home. So we waited for some others to go retrieve it on the bikes which I knew the combination to! Yeah. . pretty much saved the day. No big deal. In the meantime, I meet Collin. He is from Washington, here on family reunion business. We talk for a while, when he asked me if I “smoke bud”. I replied absolutely not but we needed another person in our gang. Seeing how my friend walked home, we now had an extra bike with no jockey. Hence, I save the day again when I suggest Collin ride the spare bike home. Solved.

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