Tuesday, February 9, 2010

amazed. .

I went to my best friend’s great grandfather’s funeral this past weekend and it was the most inspiring and uplifting funeral I had ever attended. They are a truly great family. I was so overcome with emotion and thankfulness to even have had the pleasure of meeting grandpa Lloyd that I started thinking about everyone else in my life that I was thankful for just knowing. This man had such an influential impact on everyone he met. 99years is a long time to keep on impacting too! He always brought up Christ and scripture in everyday conversation, no matter who he was talking to. He planted spiritual seeds in all of his family and friends. So many in that family have a heart for God and often bring up or start off with Grandpa Lloyd’s favorite, John 1, into any situation. These people that he planted seeds in are now producing great fruit for our Father! Just being at that funeral gave me hope. You can be overfull with faith in Christ already but then be around people who you can physically see Christ working through and using to make a difference in other’s lives, it is awesome. That funeral was just JOYful; a celebration. It was a celebration of a fruitful life; the life of a man who was completely obedient and dedicated to serving God and others.

With all of this fresh in my heart throughout the rest of the procession and graveside WORSHIP service, I felt overwhelmed with gratitude and love for all of my family and friends. I wanted to let everyone know how thankful I am for them just being in my life. I am convinced that God has strategically placed everyone, I have ever met, in my life for a reason. So, I decide the best way for me to express my love was by text, at that point in time. My reception was about to go out as we got closer to Chelsea’s house. I can only select 10 people at a time to mass text. Never did it cross my mind that this (or mass texting in general) was insincere. It just so happens that everyone I know wasn’t in the same place as me at that moment and I didn’t have a mega phone to express. Texting was the only viable option right then.

The next day I get a text from a friend letting me know, more or less, that my mass texting was not appreciated and sometimes a topic of discussion among a certain group of friends. It’s just not personalized. . This upset me for a while until I was able to cool down. I could have easily skipped over different people, but I chose them in particularly. If they don’t appreciate it then I wonder why someone would even want to be more than acquaintances. Apparently I have this problem. I tend to value everyone I meet and gladly call them a friend. ‘Acquaintance’ is such a gray word. I prefer black and white when it comes to life issues. But these days everything seems gray.

Conclusion: I’ll just stop contacting them, because that’s what friends do. ;)

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