Wednesday, January 27, 2010

hysteria. .

I learned something about myself today. But first I will start out by saying that if you are sick or pregnant, please spare me the details of your condition. After listening to a segment on morning talk radio today (Dr. Mindy on WILD104.9) I found myself. .physically uncomfortable. They were discussing one of the absent radio personalities, Heather’s, pregnancy. Heather is 37 weeks pregnant and was absent because she was feeling light headed. Her doctor told her to rest, drink lots of water, and lay on her left side. Dr. Mindy then started to explain why she was told to lay on her left side. Apparently, there is a major blood vessel that pumps blood back to the heart from the uterus (or something) that is on the right side. Due to Heather’s high blood pressure, laying on the left side would help the flow. I then all of a sudden began feeling, what I would think, pregnancy would feel like. I got really nauseous and could almost feel the blood in my veins and a baby in my . . womb. I hate that word as a word, but it is what it is.

The next caller talked about getting bit by a spider and developing cellulitis. As she described the symptoms she had developed over the course of taking her prescribed antibiotics, I began to notice that I, myself, had cellulitis too!! I started to itch and got a pain in my arm. It was probably just coincidence that the caller had got bitten on the arm as well. Anyway, I began to get stressed out because I don’t have health insurance and the Indian Clinic is about 2 months overbooked. Great.

Let’s just say, I decided to turn off the radio and take some drinks of my water. I thought a calm environment and plenty of fluids would help with my new ailments. And since I was decidedly pregnant, for the moment, I needed to be free of all stress. Stress is bad for both me and the child in question.

I made it to work and here we are. Baby and cellulitis free! :)